In 2016, the AFS Intercultural Programs Philippines (AFS IPP) Board of Trustees, chapter representatives to the board of trustees and staff convened to discuss the state of the organization after 60 years. Through the help of external facilitators with expertise on organizational development, marketing, and fundraising—discussions unpacked challenges and opportunities with the aim of shaping the future of the organization. The result led to three primary areas: Human Resources, Customer Experience and Non-traditional Fund Development, which was further directed to the alignment of the AFS Network Strategy focusing on three impact goal: Develop Active Global Citizens, Globalize Schools and Institutions, and Expand Access to Intercultural Education.

In order to realize these goals, AFS IPP sets its vision towards 2020 with a redesigned organizational structure that aims to leverage the roles of its board of trustees (BoT), staff and local partners. In particular, the BoT formed task forces that will be entrusted with increasing fundraising initiatives and alumni engagement, while the headquarter in the capital merged the programs team to solidify efforts in increasing participant numbers in addition to diversifying resources to support non-traditional fund development. Correspondingly, partnerships with schools will not only be formalized through a memorandum of agreement but will also be institutionalized through the establishment of school clubs.

The establishment of AFS School Clubs is perceived to be a significant step in strengthening the brand position of the organization as an educational organization, whilst ensuring the fulfillment of our goals to become a trusted partner in providing intercultural learning opportunities in Filipino schools and communities. As a school-based support-system, school clubs will be implementing hosting, sending and volunteer & community development programs following the shared standards and guidelines of AFS and partner schools. In addition, an AFS School Club can engage in promoting the benefits and aims of intercultural learning programs through various initiatives such as but are not limited to: inculcating the spirit of volunteerism working with and supporting young people on exchange; helping young people all over the world to become future leaders; enabling active citizen service to build a sustainable community; and invigorating cultural understanding to individuals, groups and community levels.

AFS School Clubs will be supported by AFS Communities with a province-wide area of responsibility, and who are also entrusted to raise funds for scholarships and further strengthen valuable external linkages.

AFS School Club Manual