written by: Maria Luisa Pirisi Fonnesu, Participant from Italy

In 6 months San Pablo Colleges (SPC) become a second home for me. During my stay, I’ve met a lot of friendly people and amazing teachers.  I have been very lucky maybe because of the strand that I chose, Humanities and Social Sciences Strand (HUMSS). At first, I was so confused when they asked me what I wanted to study and I chose a bit random if I have to say the truth, but now I think that it’s the best choice that I have ever made.

Every day I got to be excited is because all the subjects are useful and give you many possibilities and opportunities for the future.

If you will choose to be a HUMANISTA at SPC, I can promise that you will encounter unique experiences that you will learn not only from the book but also life lessons.

The best experience of my life that gave me the possibilities to learn more about this country and to understand that even though I’m Italian and you are Filipino, we are not that different.