
Retention does not happen in a vacuum

Over the past years, our focus has been more on the work that volunteers do, rather than fulfilling the needs of the volunteers.The times call for a better balance: If we meet the needs of volunteers retention and results will improve.

It’s easy to see that many volunteer retention factors are under the direct control of the organization. Although it appears there are many aspects to juggle, in terms of your organization’s time and energy investment, it’s worth the effort to keep a volunteer.

It’s important to remember that your organization’s general goals should be twofold. You are there to fulfill your mission within the community and enhance the lives of the volunteers who help carry this mission forward.

Check out the below video for 12 steps to a happy volunteer:

Steps to Consider

  • How many ways do we currently weave retention throughout our volunteer journey?
  • How are we building systems and structures to ensure we focus on retaining existing volunteers?
  • What ways can we keep volunteers interested in their experience? What is making them start?
  • How do volunteers experience their impact?
  • What is the average life-span of a volunteer in our organization?
  • Are we providing skill development, personal growth, challenge and recognition to our volunteers?
  • What motivates the different profiles of volunteers?

The next step of the Volunteer Journey:

  1. Disengagement