AFS IPP Congress

The Role of Global Citizens in Nation Building | August 30 to September 2, 2018

Public Forum

Global Citizenship Education towards a Progressive Nation | September 2, 2018

AFS IPP Congress 2018: Timeline of Registration

  • Early-bird registration deadline May 1 to July 15, 2018
  • Register before July 1 to benefit from the AFS IPP Congress 2018 early bird registration fee of 2,800php (students); 3,300php (non-students); 2,300php (student – AFS school club member); 2,800php (non-student – AFS school club member).
  • Regular registration deadline July 16 to August 15, 2018
  • During those date, conference registration will be 3,300php (students); 3,800php (non-students); 2,800php (student – AFS school club member); 3,300php (non-student – AFS school club member).
  • Conference registration includes participation in the 4-day forum, accommodation (students only), lunch, kits, and materials.
  • Exclusions: transportation, accommodation (for non-students), breakfast, and dinner.
  • Highlights of the program: 3-day Students Congress, 3-day Educators Congress, Public Forum (Global Citizenship Education towards a Progressive Nation), Cultural Night, Booths and Exhibits.

Public Forum: Timeline of Registration

  • Early-bird registration deadline May 1 to June 30, 2018
  • Register before July 1 to benefit from the Public Forum early bird registration fee of 800php (volunteer); 1,000php (public attendee).
  • After this date, conference registration will be 1,000php (volunteer); 1,500php (public attendee).
  • Conference registration includes participation in the 1-day forum, lunch, and dinner.
  • Highlights of the program: Public Forum (Global Citizenship Education towards a Progressive Nation), Cultural Night, Booths and Exhibits.